Taali is going to be a unique biographical series based on the life of Gauri Sawant, a transgender social activist who has made significant contributions to improve the lives of both the poor and transgender individuals, making society a better place. After losing someone most dear to him, Ganesh faces an identity crisis. Now, it's a battle of choosing between what people close to him want and what he desires. Shreegauri reveals a shocking truth about her relationship with her father. Taali IMDb rating – 8.2 Where to watch Taali – Jio Cinema Taali cast – Sushmita Sen, Ankur Bhatia, Aishwarya Narkar, Hemangi Kavi, Suvrat Joshi, Krutika Deo, Nitish Rathore, Meenakshi Chugh, Shaan Kakkar, Hemant Choudhary Taali release date – August 15th 2023