Lakhan Leela Bhargava is a legal drama series that traces the journey of a young lawyer named Lakhan, portrayed by Ravi Dubey. The series is set in the city of Lucknow and portrays the struggles and triumphs of a novice lawyer as he fights for justice both inside and outside the courtroom. Being the illegitimate child of a renowned lawyer in the city, Lakhan has encountered numerous challenges throughout his life. Despite facing negativity and prejudice, he remains an empathetic lawyer, driven to bring justice to the wrongly accused and to eventually become the nation's top lawyer. Will his aspirations come to fruition?Lakhan Leela Bhargava is a legal drama series that traces the journey of a young lawyer named Lakhan, portrayed by Ravi Dubey. The series is set in the city of Lucknow and portrays the struggles and triumphs of a novice lawyer as he fights for justice both inside and outside the courtroom. Being the illegitimate child of a renowned lawyer in the city, Lakhan has encountered numerous challenges throughout his life. Despite facing negativity and prejudice, he remains an empathetic lawyer, driven to bring justice to the wrongly accused and to eventually become the nation's top lawyer. Will his aspirations come to fruition?
- Lakhan Leela Bhargava IMDb rating – 8.5
- Where to watch Lakhan Leela Bhargava – Jio Cinema
- Lakhan Leela Bhargava cast – Ravi Dubey, Sanvikaa, Mohit Chauhan, Ariah Agarwal, Sonali Sachdev, Bhuvnesh Mann, Akshay Joshi
- Lakhan Leela Bhargava release date – August 21st
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